Blogging in 2025? Read this first.

Blogging is a creative outlet like none other. But is it making a comeback? Some thoughts, tips, and tools for your blogging journey.

Blogging in 2025? Read this first.
Photo by Daniel Thomas / Unsplash
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There’s been a lot of talk about blogging in my feed on Threads. Do it. Don’t do it. It’s too late. It’s never too early.

Davis Carr | Astrology & Tarot (@meridiantarot) on Threads
Every time I see “you should start a blog” content on here, I think of @thefierywell.

There are so many opinions on blogs, I’d love to see a blog post about it (ahem.) But so far, I’ve only seen social media posts. This is why when I see the “this is the year for blogging…” I hold my breath.

I’ve been blogging on and off since 1996. Blogging is work. Even when it’s for funsies. But especially if you’re blogging for business and using it as a marketing tool. So if you are considering blogging I’d like to offer my seasoned and unsolicited advice:

If you want to do it: do it.

It’s a creative outlet like no other. It’s a business marketing strategy that has worked since the internet became mainstream. When I can convince clients to blog and they do it… they stand out in their industry.

But like anything else, you must go into it with a plan. And a decision. Will you be ​blogging for you​ or ​blogging for your business​? To work in the open and share your process? To sell products or ideas? To just have fun? The right answer is the right answer for you.

Just beginning? Then begin. Embrace the mess. Embrace the unknown. Start. Publish. Share. Repeat.

Seasoned, but starting over? Get organized. Plan. Prepare. (Check out ​Your Content Empire’s planning system​ if you want to get really organized.)

A few blogging tips:

  • Write for the human reading it. Not a search engine.
  • Put “Blog” in your main navigation
  • Always date your blog posts
  • Make your excerpt, or description, shareable
  • One category per post, lots of tags
  • One keyword or keyphrase per post
  • Put the keyword in your URL
  • Speak to one person. Share one idea. (Per post)
  • Add a call to action, such as your newsletter, at the end of every post
  • Be original. AI is not for authoring.
  • Do what you want. It’s your blog!

A few of my favorite tools for your blogging journey:

Blog Publishing Platforms:

Blog Writing & Storage Tools:

Planning Your Blog & Content:

Support While You Blog

The Fiery Well Discord – Be supported in your blogging journey with a coven of witches!

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