How we use the Pomodoro® technique inside The Coworking Coven
Inside The Coworking Coven, our free coworking space inside The Fiery Well Discord, we utilize The Pomodoro® Technique Sprints in our guided coworking sessions every week. Every Tuesday we first come together and discuss our goals. Then we mute ourselves and get to work. In the end, we unmute, check in on our progress, and celebrate.
It’s become a weekly ritual that members look forward to. They know they will get shit done.
It’s a combination of focus, community, and accountability.
Coworking + Pomodoro = The Secret Productivity Sauce
We’re solitary entrepreneurs. We work alone. And we are often lonely. That said, being a solitary business owner doesn’t require a solitary experience.
Coworking is a way of bringing structure, community, camaraderie, and accountability to your work week on your terms.
Combining coworking and the Pomodoro® Technique adds self-accountability, structure, peer accountability, and a sense of community. It’s a palpable combination.
Although we are each focused on our tasks, we are working together. And the act of working together, even virtually, builds a magical momentum and ritual around the work we are doing while together.
We all have shit to do and often it can help to hear what others are working on to know that hey, we aren’t alone.
Systems are spells and the Pomodoro® Technique is an awesome starting guide to building your system, your spell, for more spacious productivity. Whatever that means for you.
Above all, it’s a way to create a container for your work. And in doing so it becomes that much easier to detach yourself from work. To end your work day. To move on to more things that bring you joy, without the feeling of “I should be working” interrupting that joy.
Being self-employed, in any capacity, means to so many “always working” and that’s something I work very hard to help people move away from. Myself included.
I hope this series of articles on the Pomodoro® method have helped you understand the technique through the lens of a practicing witch, rather than a toxic productivity bro.