Magically Mundane, a Task Management System & template for Notion

The Task Management System that the CEO of The Fiery Well uses every week to stay on task, motivated, and aware of her business obligations. With a focus on completing tasks, rather than simply organizing them, this system will change the way you look at your day-to-day workload.

What actually needs to be achieved every week in your business? What is “business as usual” vs a task that moves the business forward?

Keep “busy work” at bay with the separation of “business as usual” and “this needs to get done”. Routine “business as usual” tasks become checkboxes to you can check off when complete, rather than have them take up space in your To Do list to feel like you are working on something.

Tasks and Projects work cohesively so you know what needs to be done, what remains, and what needs to be removed from your tasks.

Journal and log everything with Year, Month, and Week Databases

  • Continually update and add years, months, and weeks without having to create new tables and figure out how to update other table relationships
  • Everything is organized around Weeks, not specific calendar Dates, so you have an accurate history for every period
  • Months include space for noting your revenue goals, income & expenses, and Full & New Moon phases
  • Years include space for your Word of the Year and overview of All.The.Things.
  • Track your Objectives and Observations every week and see how your year evolves
  • Note what tasks you want to do, cause you anxiety, often neglect, or need to delegate with our WAND framework (NEW!)

One Task List to rule them all!

  • One database holds every task, whether it’s attached to a Project or not
  • Assign tasks to be “Do / Due” for any number of Weeks
  • Add tasks that were Planned or Unplanned (That “To Do” vs “The Done” List!)
  • Let the “Matrix” (as in Eisenhower) help you prioritize your tasks – automagically
  • See how long tasks take you to complete (on average)
  • Archive tasks and come back to them at a later season

Plan Your Projects & Organize Your Tasks

  • Give your Projects dedicated space for brainstorming, brain dumping, objections & obstacles, tasks & tactics (oh my!)
  • Assign tasks on a Project basis so you know what needs to be done every step of the way
  • AND assign tasks to a “Do / Due” Week to keep you on time

What you’ll receive upon purchase: A PDF with instructions and a link to the Notion template to duplicate into your Notion account.

Updates to Template: The current version is 1.3 and last updated July 2, 2024.

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