Due vs Do When you assign tasks for yourself, do you give yourself a "Do" date or a "Due" date? What's the difference?
A magic W.A.N.D. for your to-do list There are days I wake up, look at my to do list, and dive right in. And then there are days, like today, that I look at my to do list and walk over to make another coffee and suddenly feel inspired to organize my collection of mugs. Am I
A spell for observation Observing yourself, your work, your habits, your interruptions, your mood, and your feelings while doing a Pomodoro not only helps you track how best to utilize the method, but also lets you tap into a flow and zone of work. You are crafting a thorough and thoughtful intention practice while
How we use the Pomodoro® technique inside The Coworking Coven Inside The Coworking Coven, our free coworking space inside The Fiery Well Discord, we utilize The Pomodoro® Technique Sprints in our guided coworking sessions every week. Every Tuesday we first come together and discuss our goals. Then we mute ourselves and get to work. In the end, we unmute, check
A spell for choosing tasks The tasks you do during your work or Pomodoro sessions matter. A lot. Your tasks should be selected and chosen with intent. * What tasks will chip away at your goals? * What tasks are causing anxiety that you could face head-on? * What tasks will make you feel good once they’re
Magic & Rituals for Work When I say ritual you may be picturing large, elaborate, ceremonial-level events. Robes. Candles. Religious archetypes and rules. But ritual, I see, as small repeatable actions. Rituals are opportunities to commit to yourself mind, body, and soul in tiny ways every day, throughout the day. Often, we build upon them
4 Rules of the Pomodoro® Technique This post contains affiliate links for products or services I use and/or highly recommend. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive a small commission. There is no charge or increase in price for you. Francesco’s technique has several unbreakable rules
Pomodoro® Primer for Magic Makers The Pomodoro ® Technique is an amazing way to focus your labor for a more productive output. Through detachment from work. To be able to stop working. To work better. Combine it with magic and... look out.
Do you audit your business? An audit is merely an inspection of or examination of something (most often financial.) From our tech to our time, to our content, and even our goals… anything is worth an audit. If it is to change, it must be observed!