What to do when you can't think of what to do

TL;DR: clean.

What to do when you can't think of what to do
Photo by Norbert Levajsics / Unsplash
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I've not been actively working in or on my business since September 2024. After the WordPress debacle began I just... stopped. WordPress is dead or dying, so what's a WordPress designer/developer/witch to do?

This has been the weight on my shoulders for several months now. I'm not working, so I don't know what to do with myself. I have no ... purpose.

Yes, I'm a mother to two wonderful children, and a wife to an amazing man, and the caretaker to our dream home. But... I'm left wondering what to do with my time after the snacks, naps, school pickups, meal prep and bed times.

I sit at my desk every Tuesday (our coworking time inside The Fiery Well Discord) and stare into space for at least half of the first Pomodoro® session. And today, I'm spending the other half writing the very article you are reading now.

Because I'm tired of asking the question: what do I do next?

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