5 Myths about Email Segmentation What do you believe about email segmentation? Just talking about email with my fellow witches lead to me to find five common misconceptions about segmentation and how we need to address these.
5 Things to Back Up before Mercury Goes Retrograde The ever scary Mercury Retrograde looms... so be prepared. Deep breath. Back everything up. And relax. (This happens a lot, y'all.)
What do you mean it's "not the tech?" If you are uncertain of where to start, or how to finish your website to a point where you actually enjoy sharing it… it’s probably not the tech. It’s probably you.
"Am I annoying you?" Annoying someone. That’s what used to worry me every time I talked about what I do. I felt like a damn broken record, repeating the same boring message over and over. Surely I was annoying someone every time I repeated myself. Indeed, by now, you roll your eyes every
3 Signs You’re Overthinking Your Website You’re overthinking what you think your website needs to be, because you’re not focused on what it actually is.
Termageddon Termageddon is a website policies generator tool that will generate and automatically update your website’s Privacy Policy, Terms, and more whenever the laws change (as well as notify you when changes are coming).